Validate IAM token
Token validation steps
The token needs to be validated before it can be trusted.
Following steps is needed in token validation.
- Check the issuer of the token -
- Ensure that token is not yet expired -
- Check the token's signature to ensure it has not been tampered with
- Retrieve the JWK from Akkess (can be cached)
- Use the JWK tp validate the JWT's signature
Pseudocode example
// JWT IAM token example
// eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImM0YjMwM2FmOThkZGU2OWQxNWJmMDlhZGU3OWM2NDA0IiwiY3R5IjoidDEifQ.eyJqdGkiOiI1YmVhNjkxYi05MjY2LTRmYWMtYWI1ZC00MmVmMzZkZjBiZjEiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwaS5ha2tlc3MuaW8vYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbi92MSIsInN1YiI6IjY2NGUyYmU3YmU0MTNkMDkwNThiNDM4ZSIsImF1ZCI6InRlbmFudC02NjQ3M2VlZTNjNDk1NDMzYzAzYWI2MDYiLCJleHAiOjIyMjg5ODM2MzgsImlhdCI6MTcyODk4MDAzOCwiYWNjIjoiYWNjb3VudC02M2M2NWRlZTgzYWJkNDFiZTlmNjExMDQiLCJhcHAiOiJhcHAtNjY0NzNlYjYyYzYyZDQ2M2YyNjJiOTgyIiwidGlkIjoidGVuYW50LTY2NDczZWVlM2M0OTU0MzNjMDNhYjYwNiIsImFycyI6W3siciI6WyJEUklWRVIiXSwiYyI6WyJWSU49VklOLTEyMzQ1Njc4OTAiXX1dfQ.e6TsoqbvLtC8aNChCHoHWs7qSt4quckGDQgtevMuQk_8qNI9LqXMHDuMiVfUBYgzuJa4U9h0GOC5Od1Otj6aAEIpWyz4_Jptq7qTTklZio9o10NmkbmSpQDfrGCyLxdtWH6UzORUDlcX36Zl-B_utUqklk-jnb5dt0J8g1yu2v2Ck5odExMKLpYdPchrAjyD_o09OtBbAavO__L6dgmHwbx2bsD4CSxY9Xh-jyCvJlDyzukDdUYYpGBRKr19C2ooFIRN8JmAQNieWiTAx9FOEqPMQqdoVZ7wYGxb16xpE4YO9G6AiJxJ4SgiNAN536144L06N9klykL2Ln64IQUxrZxoGRuSx-bXwvMRd-RG8nRjt3kXlY3g9N4dBE0JnkMsmpUPqdKMFGu483fWA_ygW-j1EwIHqt2qQgeWCtlRxZTw-dr7eX0NFf1DaegKpgjj9h7DwRTyp68JUAQShA6wjauiGDKu1j29AjWfYJiVD1cyEvf4W2u9kSiH7Tdp0hTM
const verifyTokenAndReturnTokenBody = async iamToken => {
// Decode token
const tokenHeader = decodeHeader(iamToken);
const tokenBody = decodeBody(iamToken);
// Check issuer - note that issuer is defined by each system
if (tokenBody.iss !== '') {
throw new Error('Invalid issuer');
// Ensure token is not expired
if (tokenBody.exp < nowUnixTimeSecs) {
throw new Error('Token expired');
// Fetch jwks and open id config (this should be cached)
const jwksResponse = await fetch('');
const jwks = await jwksResponse.json();
const optionsResponse = await fetch('');
const options = await optionsResponse.json();
// Based on the kid in the token header, find the JWK
const jwk = jwks.keys.find(key => key.kid === tokenHeader.kid);
if (!jwk) {
throw new Error('Faulty Jwk');
const pem = jwkToPem(jwk);
// Verify token - throw error if not valid
verifyToken(token, pem, options);
JWK - JSON Web Key
A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data structure that represents a cryptographic key. JWK is used to represent a public key in a JSON structure. The JWK format is used to represent a cryptographic key in a JSON structure.
A JWK Set is a JSON object that represents a set of JWKs. The JSON object MUST have a "keys" member, with its value being an array of JWKs.