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Akkess is deployed as a set of microservices and can be deployed on any container supported environment.
This ranges from local development to your own cloud or on-premise environments.

In short; to run Akkess you'll need a number of containers running the Akkess backend and frontend services as well as infrastructure services like mongodb. This can be done using docker-compose or kubernetes/helm.


For most users we recommend using the public Akkess IAM Console as the quickest and easiest way evaluate our service.


To get access to the docker images, docker compose and helm charts you'll need an enterprise license.
Please contact us for more information.

Docker compose

To quickly support local development and testing we provide a docker-compose file that will start all the necessary services.
These files are available via our local development repository, please reach out to us for access.

Kubernetes / helm

Akkess can also be deployed on kubernetes using helm.
These charts are available via our local development repository, please reach out to us for access.